
Work Experiences

Research Experience

  • Proving Safety of SupraBFT using Microsoft Ivy (M.Sc. thesis)

Course Project

  • Verification of 8086tiny (Apr '22)
    • For the Software Verification and Analysis course offered by Prof. M K Srivas. Used Frama-C (Eva) to check for errors in the 8086tiny project’s code using abstract interpretation. Afterwards, used bounded model checking using the CBMC tool to determine spuriousness of the errors. Link to bug report

Teaching Experience

  • Teaching Assistant, Software Verification and Analysis (Jan–Apr '23)
    • Course offered by Prof. M K Srivas. I mainly took lab sessions, demonstrating the usage of CBMC, Frama-C (Eva, WP), UCLID5, and Z3 (SMT-LIB)
